Noche Potosi

Noche Potosi
Iglesia San Bernardo

viernes, 1 de noviembre de 2013

Contaminación atmosférica.  Prof. Dr. Gilbert M. Masters

Stanford University - USA

martes, 2 de julio de 2013


Rodney Gonzales Martinez ,
M Sc Hydraulic Engineer , Environmental Engineer. Sinchi Wayra - Glencore

Alberto Gonzales Murillo,
Civil Engineer - Former AWWA (USA) member

Las Plantas de Concentración de minerales de Plata, Plomo y Cinc instaladas en la ciudad de Potosí, utilizan la técnica de flotación para obtener concentrados comerciables.
En el proceso, se generan residuos líquidos con alta cantidad de solidos suspendidos y dispersiones coloidales.
Cuando se producen la decantación y precipitación química, se separan  dos tipos de “colas”: Parte líquida  (cola liquida) y parte sólida (cola seca).
La Industria minera de secular tradición  genera recursos económicos para la región y el País.

Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra  escribío aquella expresión : “Vale un Potosi” para referirse al extraordinarioo valor de las cosas, en consideración de la riqueza mineral  incomnesurable.

Pero la industria minera generadora de riqueza genera a su vez contaminación.
No es posible suspender la actividad minera para evitar la contaminacíon.

Potosí, fue centro  de  alta actividad técnica.  En esta ciudad el sacerdote católico español Fray Alonso Barba , escribío el primer libro técnico de la Colonia “ El arte de los metales”, que refiere  la tecnologia metalúrgica desarrollada en esa época.

Por otra parte y en otra época,  la Universidad Tomás Frías desarrolló una notable actividad técnica sobre todo en los años 60 cuando tuvo una relación investigativa  con la Academia de Minas de Freiberg  (Alemania Democrática).

Actualmente a través de la cooperación japonesa (JICA) se ha instalado un laboratorio que permite extraordinarias prestaciones.

De tal manera que concurren varios factores para investigar acerca del tratamiento de efluentes que contaminan las corrientes superficiales y suelos. Es posible aplicar operaciones unitarias factibles en el tratamiento de efluentes y al final se puede utilizar la parte sólida de los residuos industriales para favorecer   la construción de muros de viviendas económicas y otras aplicaciones constructivas.

En este trabajo, se ha recopilado información básica para el remoción del cianuro de sodio y se trascriben partes de investigaciones importantes desarrolladas en  varios paises.
Primera imagen: Carátula del libro de Alvaro Alonso Barba
Segunda imagen : Universidad Tomás Frías - Edificio principal
Tercera imagen : Idem

En el inicio ..............

martes, 7 de mayo de 2013

Recursos de agua del mundo

Dr. Uri Shamir:

Dr. Shamir
Bolivia has water: rivers, Lakes, ground water and others resources. But a day, Potosi, my hometown ( see WEB about Salar  of Uyuni- was dry, only had 183 mm of annual rainfall; but is much more that Israel and the region have.
Therefore we admire the effort of your engineers to get treatment and good use of water.
Thank you very much,  for send me documentation on optimizacion of handling of resources of water.

Technion Israel Institute of Technology  . Haifa, Israel

 “When it opened in 1924, the Technion was the only higher-learning science institution in Palestine. Its original premises are now used by the Israel Museum of Science, Technology and Space. Originally, the institution's focus was on natural sciences, engineering and architecture. Three Nobel laureates teach at today's 12,500-student 327-acre Mount Carmel campus - Avram Hershko, Aaron Ciechanover (Faculty of Medicine) and Prof. Dan Shechtman (Faculty of Chemistry).

Dr. Uri Shamir
Uri Shamir , Ph D

Creo que las personas que trabajan en Recursos de AGUA para el beneficio de la humanidad, no tienen nacionalidad, son ciudadanos del mundo. Mi amigo, Dr. Shamir ,  escribío “Apreciado Alberto ( por favor llámame Uri ),…   Abril 11, 2013.  Alberto Gonzales Murillo. Bolivia

Technion Israel Institute of Technology  . Haifa, Israel


Technion | Israel Institute of Technology - Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Haifa, ISRAEL 32000

Tel: 972-4-829-2239 Fax: 972-4-822-8898

Biography, in brief:
“ My main focus is on planning, design and operation of water resources systems, using  OR methodologies of modeling, simulation, optimization and decision-making. Water resources systems contain both natural and man-made components, so the studies include: hydrology of surface and ground water; water supply and distribution systems; urban water resources, water sensitive urban and watershed planning, regional and national water systems, water policy and strategy. I conduct practice-oriented research with graduate students and colleagues in academia, in consulting firms, and in local, ragional and national  agencies, combined with long-term consulting – thereby bridging between theory and practice, in both directions.
“For 45 years I taught at the Technion and at some notable universities in North America courses on water resources management, systems analysis and optimization, surface and groundwater hydrology, fluid mechanics and hydraulics, and have been repeatedly cited as Outstanding Teacher.
“Since 1966 I have consulted to local, municipal, regional and national water authorities and companies in several countries, and to international agencies. For 25 years I was consultant to Mekorot Water Company, and since 1992 I am consultant to the Israel

Water Authority, and am member of the Israeli team dealing and negotiating with our neighbors on water.
“Since the 1970s I served the international scientific community, as President of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS, 1991-1995), Vice President (1995-1999 and 1999-2003) and President (2003-2007) of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Member of the Executive Board of the International, Council of Science (ICSU, 2005-2008 and 2008-2011).
“I was the Founding Director (1991-2003) of the Stephen and Nancy Grand Water Research Institute, the GWRI, at the technion, which operates as the national water reseatch institute. It houses the Blumenstein Information Center, which assembles, organizes and makes openly available to all information on water in Israel and the Middle East, and provides links to international water information sources.
“In 2013 I received the Life-Time Achievement Award from the Israeli Water Association. The citation reads (translated from Hebrew) “Professor Uri Shamir : In gratitude and appreciation for life-long achievements in the domain of water, for scientific and engineering achievements, for professional leadership, for the ability to combine research and teaching to address urgent issues facing the water sector, for your contribution in educationg generations of top ranking professionals of the Israeli water sector, for your contribution of the content and formulation of Israel’s water agreements with its neighbors, for respectable representation of Israel in the international water community by consultation to international entities like the World Bank and UNESCO and by leadership of international scientific organizations, for involvement in and influence on management of the Israeli water sector, and for contributing to the Water Sector Master Plan and its approval”.  Signed by the Israeli Water Association, 24 April 2013”

Another external reference:                                          From:

“Uri Shamir is Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Founding Director (1992-2003) of the Stephen and Nancy Grand Water Research Institute at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. Prof. Shamir holds a BSc (1962) from the Technion and a PhD (1966) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He teaches, conducts research and consults in Israel and around the world on hydrology and water resources management. Since 1992 Prof. Shamir has been a consultant to the Israeli Water and Sewage Authority (IWA) on matters of planning and policy, and previously (1967-92) was consultant to Mekorot, the National Water Supply Company.

“Prof. Shamir was Chairman of the Israeli Association of Hydrology (1984-1986), President of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (1991-1995), Vice President of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (1995-2003) and IUGG President (2003-2007). He is Member of the Executive Board of the International Council of Science (ICSU) for the periods 2005-2008 and 2008-2011, from the GeoUnions cluster. Prof. Shamir is Chair of the Technical Advisory Committee of the World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP-TAC), the UN-wide water programme led by UNESCO.

Some of his technical books:
Liquid Assets: An Economic Approach for Water Management and Conflict Resolution in the Middle East and Beyond

Hydrological Basis for Water Resources Management International Symposium/No 197     (IAHS Proceedings & Reports)  514 Pages, by Uri Shamir, Chen Jiaqi (Editor)

Water Resources Quality: Preserving the Quality of our Water Resources

by Hillel Rubin, Peter Nachtnebel, Josef Fürst and Uri Shamir (Oct 12, 2012)

Water Resources Quality: Preserving the Quality of our Water Resources

 by Hillel Rubin, Peter Nachtnebel, Josef Fürst and Uri Shamir (Oct 12, 2012)

Water Resources Quality: Preserving the Quality of our Water Resources

by Hillel Rubin, Peter Nachtnebel, Josef Fürst and Uri Shamir (Oct 12, 2012)

Of course, only a few publications.

I recommend see Disertation:

 Dr. Shamir´s areas of research:
  • Analysis and simulation of water distribution systems.
  • Optimal design and operation of single and muti-quality water distribution systems.
  • Optimal real-time operation of water supply systems.
  • Optimal maintenance policies for pumping equipment.
  • Optimal replacement scheduling for water pipelines.
  • Reliability of supply in water systems.
  • Urban hydrology: water-sensitive urban development.
  • Runoff management.
  • Optimal management of aquifers.
  • Multiobjective decision making in water resources.
  • Management of water resources under uncertainty and risk.
  • Statistical analytical methods in water resources.
  • Non-smooth optimization.
  • Optimization by search and evolutionary techniques.
  • Stochastic optimization.
  • Water policy for Israel.
  • Negotiation over disputed waters.
  • Privatization and regulation in the water sector.
  • Water conservation in the urban sector.

Links for Dr. Uri Shamir:

  Very grateful, Dr. Shamir , again, for a copy of  paper research published by Journal of the Enviromental Engineering Division – Y.Argaman, U.Shamir and E.Spivak