Thanks you very much for send me journal´s pappers that you wrote
Dr. Ashok Sharma: Professional
Engineer with 30 years of research, teaching and industry experience in
planning, design, and management of water supply, waste water and storm
water systems, and in sustainability assessment,
environmental planning, water quality, and river pollution abatement.
Ashok is a Principal Research Engineer with CSIRO Land and Water, Australia and is also Adjunct Professor at Victoria University, Melbourne Australia.
He holds a PhD in Civil Engineering and a Fellow of Institution of
Engineers Australia and is also a Chartered Professional Engineer.
Internacional awared works : 2010 World Water Congress at MONTREAL , CANADA
IWA Sustainability Award 2010
(runner-up) for research excellence in sustainable urban water
management at World Water Congress 2010 Montreal for paper on
Sustainable Sewerage Servicing Options for Peri-urban Areas with Failing Septic Systems, - Sharma A., Tjandraatmadja, G., Grant, A., Grant T. and Pamminger, F. (2010)“Sustainable Sewerage Servicing Options for Peri-urban Areas with Failing Septic Systems” Water Science and Technology, IWA, London , 62(3), 570-585
2008 World Water Congress at VIENNA
IWA Sustainability Award 2008
(runner-up) for research excellence in sustainable urban water
management at World Water Congress 2008 Vienna for paper on
Environmental and economic assessment of urban water services for a Greenfield development Sharma, A., Grant, A., Grant
T., Pamminger, F. and Opray L. (2009) “Environmental and economic
assessment of urban water services for a Greenfield development”
Environmental Engineering Science, 26(5): 921-934
Dr. Sharma has many other works published, and the The extraordinary book (co autor with the ilustre Dr. PRABHATA K. SWAMEE ) Swamee P.K. and
Sharma A.K. (2008). “Design of water Supply Pipe Networks” John Wiley and Sons Inc., NJ, USA. The extraordinary book (co autor with the ilustre Dr. PRABHATA K. SWAMEE )
Dr Sharma is now at: